Grow with Us Plant Sale!
Get all of your garden needs and help support DFL48! This year, we’re offering you plant cards at both Gerten’s Greenhouses and Garden Center in Inver Grove Heights and Wagner’s Greenhouse in Minneapolis and Bloomington.
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TAG | Laurie McKendry
February, 2015, Newsletter
Posted by SD48 DFL Communications Team in David Hann, e-Newsletter, Joan Howe-Pullis, News
2015 is off and runningWe hope that you and yours had a safe and happy holiday season. We’re moving into 2015 and preparing for the elections that will happen in 2016. We hope you’ll join us on this journey. New Year — 2 Chances to Support DFL EffortsIf you’re working on your taxes, don’t forget to go to the State Elections Campaign Fund portion on the front of the form. Fill it in with “12”, and the State will give $5 to the fund that supports our state candidates. This won’t affect your refund, so, please take the time to do this. You Can Again Contribution $50 and receive a full refund With the Political Contribution Refund program, voters are able to contributed up to $50 annually to candidates or party units and receive a full refund from the State of Minnesota. Just visit our contribution page and make a secure, online contribution now. We’ll process your contribution, generate the necessary paperwork and send it to you right away. Just send it in to the State of Minnesota (you’ll get all the instructions you need with your receipt), and in 4 to 6 weeks you’ll get a check for the amount of your contribution up to $50 per voter. Update from Rep. Selcer
We have spent a good amount of time on overviews in committee, as we have another large Freshman class to assist in getting up to speed. We have just begun to hear bills in committee, and passed disaster relief off the House floor. . I am working on authoring and co-authoring a number of bills, including being the chief author of legislation to bond for the SW LRT, and will keep you apprised as more legislation rolls out. You have seen in the media accounts of the Governor’s budget, as well as bills being brought forward by the Senate DFL majority and the House GOP majority. There is an emphasis on education and transportation this session, and I hope that you will continue to share your thoughts and questions with me on these and other issues of importance to you as we move forward. As always, thank you for the honor of being your voice in St. Paul. 2015 Senate District 48 ConventionWere you elected a delegate at your 2014 precinct caucus? If so, you are also a delegate for our 2015 convention. The details are still coming together, but we do have the date, time and location: Where: Glen Lake Activity Center, 14350 Excelsior Blvd, Minnetonka, MN When: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 7:00 to 8:30 pm. |
Update from State Senate Candidate Laurie McKendry
I’ll be going door-to-door in our district as soon as the weather permits and hope I’ll catch you home. If I miss you, or if you’d like to let me know your thoughts now, please visit my website and complete the survey? I believe before you listen to politicians’ promises, shouldn’t they listen to you first? Update from Joan Howe-Pullis
Win a Container of Driveway Patch with Your Photo
We have announced a photo contest where the winner will take home a container of driveway patch. You can find the details here. Our Annual Grow with Us Plant Sale is Coming Soon
2015 Minnesota PCR · Grow with Us · HD48A · HD48B · House District 48A · House District 48B · Joan Howe-Pullis · Laurie McKendry · PCR · political contribution refund program · Rep. Selcer · sd48 · Senate District 48 · Yvonne Selcer
To All the People Who Volunteered this CycleWe offer a loud and strong thank you. Thank you for:
We know you had lots of other things you could have been doing with what time you had available to you. Giving of your time and treasurer is appreciated by those of us in Senate District 48 DFL and our candidates. Election RecapWe’re happy to report that Rep. Yvonne Selcer was re-elected to represent our House District 48A. It was a close race, but her hard work paid off. There will be more about this in Rep. Selcer’s update later in this newsletter. We weren’t able to make a change in our House District 48B race, even with the strong effort Joan Howe-Pullis put into the race. We’re honored to have had such articulate and wise women running to represent us. Economy Continues to Improve Even if We Don’t All Feel It YetFrom the Minnesota Office of Management & Budget: As of October 10, 2014, the office projects that Minnesota’s net general fund receipts are estimated to total $4.297 billion during the first quarter of fiscal year 2015. You can read the complete update here. Minnesota’s job growth continues to outpace Wisconsin (no matter what you heard from Gov. Dayton’s opponent during the election). You can read more about that here. And, Minnesota’s unemployment rate continues to decline. Here’s a great site for information through September of 2014. Things were looking pretty good, definitely continuing to improve under DFL control. We’ll have to watch what happens with the change in House control that will be reflected in the next two years starting in January, 2015. Don’t Forget You Can Loan the District $50
Historically, the Republican Party of Minnesota and it’s senate districts have been more successful in raising funds than the DFL. Let’s not let that happen this year. Just visit our contribution page and make a secure, online contribution now. We’ll process your contribution, generate the necessary paperwork and send it to you right away. Just send it in to the State of Minnesota (you’ll get all the instructions you need with your receipt), and in 4 to 6 weeks you’ll get a check for the amount of your contribution up to $50 per voter. So, don’t let this money go to waste. Help us help DFLers become or remain your representatives by contributing now. And, remember, this is an annual contribution. So, you can do the same thing after the first of the year. * Funding comes from checking the box on your Minnesota income tax form annually. So, as we move into 2015, don’t forget to do that to help DFL candidates. |
Interested in Being of Service to Your Community?Don’t forget about city commissions.In Eden Prairie, the City is accepting applications to its commissions in January, 2015. There’s a wide variety of ways to get involved. You can find out more here. Minnetonka appoints people throughout the year rather than having a filing period like Eden Prairie. There are a number of boards and commissions for Minnetonka residents to participate in their municipality. You can find out more here. If you’re interested in police work, consider the Police Citizens Academy. Applications are due by January 9, 2015. You can learn more here.
Update from Rep. Selcer
I am proud of what we have accomplished together for our community and for Minnesota in the last two years, and look forward to continuing to partner with you to move Minnesota forward. Now that the election is over, the recount finished, the lawn signs stored, and the celebrations enjoyed, it is time to begin that work again. We will be holding a listening session on Saturday, January 10, from 10:30 to 11:30 am at the Glen Lake Activity Center in Minnetonka so I can listen to your priorities as we begin the legislative session. As always, thank you for the honor of being your state representative in St. Paul Please feel free to contact me at any time; I welcome your thoughts and questions. And from my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Best, Update from Laurie McKendry
My campaign volunteers and I’ve been working toward 2016 since the day after the 2012 election. And, from here on out, we’re ramping up our activities. We’re fundraising to meet the maximums of this two-year cycle, and will continue this with the new two-year cycle that starts in January. I continue to be active in both Minnetonka and Eden Prairie with the Economic Development Advisory Commission and as a member of the AM Rotary Board. But, as we move into the more active phase of our campaign, no matter how much we do, we can’t do it alone. It takes support from everyone to get done what needs to be done during a Senate District-wide campaign. After this election, I’m hearing the media talking about the trend I noticed last year: with the ineffectiveness of the U.S. Congress, more issues that have been considered federal issues are coming down to State Legislatures. So, it’s more important than ever who is elected to represent you there. Who do you want making decisions on student loan debt? legalization of marijuana? immigration? water rights? And so much more… I’ll be starting to door knock in late winter/early spring of next year and will continue until Election Day of 2016. And, plan to door knock the full Senate District at least twice. I hope you’ll join me and my campaign team as we begin building our efforts for the 2016. Please join us on what I believe will be a historical journey for our district! In closing, I hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Hope to see you soon. Update from Joan Howe-PullisThe last six months have been a remarkable privilege. The incredibly dedicated team who worked with me gives me hope for our future. And, the thousands of Eden Prairie residents who opened their doors to have conversations about what matters to them proved that there is more that unites us than divides us. Each one of you makes a difference in our community. Thank you all. |
2014 election recap · Eden Prairie commissions · HD48A · House District 48A · Laurie McKendry · Minnetonka boards · Minnetonka commissions · PCR rebate · Rep. Selcer · sd48 · Senate District 48 · Yvonne Selcer
What Our Candidates are DoingRep. Yvonne Selcer, HD48AAs Rep Yvonne Selcer and her team move into these final, crucial weeks of the campaign, they’re working to bring the door knocking and phoning to an even higher level to get out the good news of the work that has been done in the last two years. Yvonne stood up for the people of our community and Minnesotans, passing fiscally responsible legislation that paid our schools back, provided all day kindergarten, froze college tuition, promoted small business job creation and streamlined paperwork. Even in the midst of this close race, Rep Selcer is also focused on the duties of her position as your state representative. She’s serving on legislative committees throughout the summer to prepare for the work that needs to continue during the next legislative session. Her record of service and accomplishment, of course, will be distorted by the special interest groups, including the billionaire Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, who are lining up to distort these accomplishments and protect their special interests. Rep. Selcer and her team thank all those who have helped to date with door knocking, phoning, lawn sign distribution, office work and a variety of other important campaign tasks. These last weeks leading up to Nov 4 are crucial to victory. Yvonne asks if you have volunteered, to keep volunteering. If you have not yet had the opportunity to volunteer, please do so in the crucial coming weeks. You can sign up to volunteer at, or just call Maars, her organizer at 612-524-8427, and he will get you involved. “Together, we can win again on Nov 4, and continue the work we have begun to move MN forward,” said Rep Selcer. “Thanks to all of you for the many ways in which you are supporting this effort.” Joan Howe-Pullis, HD48B CandidateAt their Campaign Head-quarters, things are gearing up for the rundown to Election Day. Joan is out at the doors most days. When she’s not, she’s phoning the people of Eden Prairie. If you’d like to help, phone banks and door knocks are being staged out of Eden Prairie. So, no long driving to pick up lit packets or getting to a phone bank and not having material to make calls. Team Joan is also pulling together the details of what’s shaping up to be a great lit drop/door knock next month, so look for more information on it soon. If you have time to help with any aspect of Joan’s race, send her an e-mail at . Laurie McKendry, SD48
If you’re interested in seeing what a full campaign election cycle involves, we’ll be picking up our planning efforts in late November. E-mail to become part of Team McKendry.
Can You Host a Lawn Sign?
If you’re willing to have one in
League of Women Voters Candidate ForumsAgain this year the League of Women Voters is hosting candidate forums for both our State House races and our Eden Prairie municipal races. Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend. Not only will you learn more about the candidates and issue, your attendance helps support our candidates. State House ForumThe State House Candidate Forum will be held Tuesday, September 30, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, MN. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Eden Prairie Municipal ForumThe forum for candidates running for Eden Prairie City Council will be held Thursday, October 2, 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Eden Prairie Community Center, 8080 Mitchell Rd, Eden Prairie, MN. Doors open at 6:30 pm. continued in next column |
There are two seats up for election this year. They are currently held by Kathy Nelson and Sherry Butcher-Wickstrom. Andrew Moller has also filed to run one of these seats. We could find no website for his campaign.
The top two vote getters on Election Day will be on the Eden Prairie City Council. So, if you’re a resident of this city, please attend. Eden Prairie Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens is running unopposed. Our DFL TicketTo see who else is on the ballot, visit this post. We’ve also included information on the Eden Prairie City Council seats up for election this year and information on the judicial races we’ll have on the ballot. Have Holasek Certificates Left Over from Our Grow with Us Plant Sale?2015 UPDATE: Holasek Greenhouses is now out of business. We have no information on how to receive refunds. Please contact the organization you purchased your certificates from for further information. We’ve been informed that Holasek Greenhouses will be going out of business this year. If you didn’t use all your certificates this spring and summer, you have a limited time to receive a full refund. Please e-mail us at . We’ll contact you with the details, but please do it by September 30. Holasek’s will be closing their books for good in October, 2014.
Not Certain if You’re Registered to Vote?This year, you can visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website to:
If you’d prefer to register in person, you can go to the City Clerk’s office at your municipality’s City Center and fill out the form there. When Democrats vote, Democrats win. Get the pieces in place now to make voting simpler November 4.
Your Candidates Need Your Help NowWe’re over half way through September, the Fall routine should be established in your household. Your candidates and their volunteers have been working hard for months. But, there’s so much more to do. (You’d be amazed how BIG a House District is, how many doors there are to visit.) Support Your Candidates By: Door knocking and phone calling are the big needs at this point in campaigns. If you’re comfortable doing that, please volunteer. Our candidates have included contact information in their articles. If you’re not, there are still lots you can do:
You’ll meet a great group of people, and help create change in our district with your time (It’s also a great thing for families to do.) Need to get connected? Email us at . We’ll get you in touch with the right people.
When Dems Vote, Dems WinWhy?We have the numbers to elect the people who are putting all their efforts into running for office if we just bother to vote. No Excuse Absentee VotingThis year, you can go to your municipal community center and cast an early, no excuse absentee ballot from September 19 until the weekend before the election (check out your city’s website for hours on weekends). Just stop into your City Clerk’s office, complete the paperwork and fill out your ballot. What happens when we don’t?Remember 2010? That’s the last non-presidential election. We wound up with a Republican-controlled Legislature. That Legislature shut down our government for the longest time in our state’s history costing us tens of millions of dollars. It also brought us the two constitutional amendments that so divided our city. And, when you vote between September 19 and November 4, help make certain our candidates win by bringing a progressive friend with you to the polls. Remember, when Democrats vote Democrats win. Town Hall Forum with Hennepin County Sherif Candidate Eddie Frizell
– Share how you would like to see the Sheriff’s office engaged with your community – Discuss the duties of the Sheriff’s office – Learn more about the $91.9 million Sheriff’s budget – Hear Eddie’s priorities for the Sheriff’s office. This event is not affiliated with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office in any way. For official business with the Sheriff’s Office, please call 612.348.2347. RSVP at or by e-mail to [email protected].
The Party Party
Check out more info about the event including more photos here. |
2014 League of Women Voter candidate forums · early voting · Eddie Frizell · Grow with Us Plant Sale · HD48A · HD48B · Hennepin County Sheriff · Holasek Greenhouses · House District 48A · House District 48B · how to help campaigns · Joan Howe-Pullis · Laurie McKendry · no excuse absentee voting · Party Party · Rep. Selcer · Senate District 48 · Senate District 48 DFL Party Party · voter registration · Yvonne Selcer
DFL kicks off ‘100 Days of Action’ across state, reaches out to almost 100,000 voters
Posted by SD48 DFL Communications Team in Gov. Mark Dayton, Joan Howe-Pullis, Our Candidates & Elected Officials, Secretary of State Steve Simon, State Auditor Rebecca Otto

Matt Gieske, Rep. Yvonne Selcer (HD48A), Sharon Sund (CD3), Rep. Steve Simon (Sec. of State), Audrey Britton, Laurie McKendry (SD48), Joan Howe-Pullis (HD48B) and Lyndon Carlson
Members of the Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Party marked 100 days until the Nov. 4 election with a weekend of volunteers taking action. DFL Chairman Ken Martin said over the weekend DFL elected officials, candidates, volunteers, and staff reached nearly 100,000 voters.
“The weekend’s pre-primary drive was unprecedented in Minnesota,” Martin said. “With so many boots on the ground, DFLers were able to reach out to voters not only about the upcoming primary and general elections, but about the new early voting options. This is a huge accomplishment.”
Official kickoffs for “100 Days of Action” were held with DFL leaders Sunday, July 27 at nearly 20 locations around the state. Martin appeared at the St. Paul “100 Days of Action” kickoff with State Auditor Rebecca Otto, Mayor Chris Coleman, and Gov. Mark Dayton.
“I can think of more than 100 reasons to make sure we re-elect Governor Dayton, Senator Franken and make sure we keep the majority in the Minnesota House,” Martin said. “We have to make sure we don’t take anything for granted because the stakes couldn’t be any higher.”
Martin talked about the progress made under DFL leadership in the past two years. There are more jobs than any other time in state history (160,000 jobs have been created since Gov. Dayton was elected); free all-day kindergarten will begin this fall; and Minnesota’s lowest-paid workers will receive a wage increase, impacting 137,000 children whose parents make minimum wage.
“We can make a difference in people’s lives,” Martin said, “let’s go out there and fight for that.” (more…)
100 Days · Audrey Britton · DFL · Joan Howe-Pullis · Laurie McKendry · Lyndon Carlson · Matt Gieske · Rep. Selcer · Sharon Sund · Yvonne Selcer
What Our Candidates are DoingRep. Yvonne Selcer, HD48ARep. Yvonne Selcer and her team have been busy with great conversations at the doors and on the phones with many of you. She’s also continued to attend wonderful community events in our area, including the Hopkins Raspberry Festival and the Minnetonka ICA Food Shelf’s grand opening. She looks forward to seeing many of you at upcoming Neighborhood Night Out gatherings; if you would like her to stop by or have an event you would like to invite her to attend. Rep. Selcer continues to have her nation leading legislative POSA (Protect Our Students Studying Abroad) work highlighted, most recently in the Gail Rosenblum’s July 20 StarTribune column. As she door knocks, she’s finding the face-to-face conversations she is having on your legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session very helpful. The response to Rep. Selcer, her work and her message continues to be positive, but her race is a top target for outside organizations such as the billionaire Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity. She needs your help to win in November and continue the good work begun in the last two legislative sessions. You’ll find Yvonne’s door knocking schedule on our Senate District 48 website. to help with door knocking or in any way you prefer and time allows. As always, Rep Selcer is grateful for all the help and support she’s receiving, and looks forward to celebrating victory with you in November. Joan Howe-Pullis, HD48B Candidate
Joan and her great group of volunteers continue to be out talking with voters just about every day of the week. She’s excited by the conversations she’s having with the voters of the southern side of Eden Prairie. If you have time to join her campaign, they’d love to have you join them. Like every campaign, help reaching out to talk with voters about what’s important to them is our most important task. So, any time you can spend door knocking or phoning with Joan, would be appreciated. Joan also needs help with your treasure. To get her message out, your contribution is critical. If you’re able to help, contributions can be made on her website. “First, I want to thank all the great volunteers who’ve already come out to support my race,” said Joan. “I’m honored you’ve given of yourself to help me.” If you’d like to find out more about Joan, her positions on issues or more, just Laurie McKendry, SD48
My work continues with the Eden Prairie AM Rotary. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to be of service and working with my fellow Rotarians. I know many of them tend to vote the other side of the ticket. Although we differ in our political believes, we always work through our differences to come to a stronger solutions to whatever we’re working on. I truly value this and believe this is what we need in our government at both the state and national level to move the People’s business forward. So, as we move toward November, look for our House candidates and me at your door some day soon. Last Call for Plant Certificates2015 UPDATE: Holasek Greenhouses is now out of business. We have no information on how to receive refunds. Please contact the organization you purchased your certificates from for further information. Have some plants that haven’t worked out or have run their course? Through July 31, you can still get quality plants from Holasek’s Greenhouse and support our district and our candidates. So, visit our sale page now and make your purchase. We had a great time July 4th
Think Erik Paulsen is a moderate math guy?Well, he’s playing with money — big money — to re-elect John Boehner. He holds what we call “drive by Congress on Your Corners” with little to no notice. Or, he does the “sorry I missed you” tele townhall. But, he can host a fundraiser with a $10,000 price tag for the U.S. Speaker of the House who’s presided over a Congress that has done less than any other for their paychecks. Please Help Turn Out the Vote for Rebecca OttoThere’ll be several phone banks to help let Democrats know it’s important to turn out and vote for Rebecca in the August 12 primary. Here’s a list of upcoming dates:
State Auditor Rebecca Otto will be stopping by the Primary Election GOTV Action Center at DFL Headquarters at 255 E Plato Blvd in St. Paul. Get a group of friends together, carpool to St. Paul and help make certain Rebecca’s on the ballot in November. RSVP to Jessica Andrist at 651.214.6443 or [email protected]. |
Don’t be a “Drop Off Dem”Haven’t heard the above phrase? It’s what people involved in politics call those of us who only bother to vote in presidential elections. And, it’s what we’re betting Sen. David Hann hope you’ll be this November. Why?We have the numbers to elect the people who are putting all their efforts into running for office if we just bother to vote. What happens when we don’t?Remember 2010? That’s the last non-presidential election. We wound up with a Republican-controlled Legislature. That legislature shut down our government for the longest time in our state’s history. It also brought us the two constitutional amendments that so divided our city. Have You Seen This Piece of Literature?If you’ve received this piece of literature at any time since July 19, please let us know. The State DFL has served the Stensrud campaign with a cease and desist action. Your report of where and when you’ve received the literature will help the State DFL hold Mr. Stenrud and his campaign accountable for “stretching the truth” again.
CD3 DFL PicnicYou’re Invited to Our Annual Picnic
August 9, 2014, 5:00 to 8:00 PM
2014 CD3 DFL picnic · August 12 primary · Cease and Desist Action · Drop Off Dem · early voting · Erik Paulsen · HD48A · HD48B · House District 48A · House District 48B · Joan Howe-Pullis · John Boehner · July 4 · Kirk Stensrud · Laurie McKendry · Minnesota Senate · Minnesota State Auditor · Rep. Paulsen · Rep. Selcer · Round Lake Park · sd48 · Senate District 48 · State Auditor Rebecca Otto · Yvonne Selcer