Grow with Us Plant Sale!
Get all of your garden needs and help support DFL48! This year, we’re offering you plant cards at both Gerten’s Greenhouses and Garden Center in Inver Grove Heights and Wagner’s Greenhouse in Minneapolis and Bloomington.
Tweets by @DFL48
TAG | Eddie Frizell
Yvonne Selcer for HD48A |
Joan Howe-Pullis for HD48B |
Mark Dayton and Tina Smith |
Lori Swanson for Attorney General |
Steve Simon for Secretary of State |
Rebecca Otto for State Auditor |
Al Franken for U.S. Senate |
Sharon Sund for Congress |
Mike Freeman for Hennepin County Attorney |
Eddie Frizell for Hennepin County Sheriff |
Eden Prairie City Council
These seats are non-partisan. No DFL party endorsement has been given.
Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens is running unopposed. We believe Ms. Tyra-Lukens has served the people of Eden Prairie well during her tenures as Mayor and deserves another term.
Council Members Kathy Nelson and Sherry Butcher-Wickstrom are running for re-election along with Andrew K. Moller. We believe Ms. Nelson and Ms. Butcher-Wickstrom have also served the people of Eden Prairie well during their terms. And, therefore, deserve another term.
Mr. Moller filed for office, but doesn’t seem to have a campaign website.
Judgeships on the Ballot
At this month’s Third Congressional District Central Committee meeting, many of the judge candidates spoke to the body. CD3 then compiled information from those discussions and researched candidates. We’re including information on those races in our area with more than one candidate.
Associate Justice — Supreme Court 2, John Hancock, Wilhelmina (Mimi) Wright — Judge Wright has a website with an extensive list of DFL supporters including Sharon Sayles-Belton and Karen Thissen. There is no contact information nor website for her opponent.
Associate Justice — Supreme Court 3, Michelle L. MacDonald, David Lillehaug — Judge Lillehaug is a known in the Twin Cities. Please peruse his list of supporters for your information. If you wish to know about his opponent, please do an internet search with her name to find out about her.
4th District Court 16 — Bruce Michael Rivers, James A. Moore — Judge Moore did not attend, as he has signed the agreement with the Hennepin County Bar Association to not participate in any partisan activities. His endorsement list is here for your information: Bruce Rivers joined us and spoke about his experience as a criminal defense attorney. He is running a grassroots campaign and does not have a campaign website. He links to his personal law firm website for information:
4th District Court 43 — Paul Scoggin, Bridget Ann Sullivan — Both of these very engaging candidates joined us last evening and spoke about their backgrounds, personal views and experience that draws them to run for this open seat. Paul Scoggin offers an impressive list of supporters for our information:!supporters/c11vk. Bridget Ann Sullivan also offers an impressive list of supporters Both are passionate and dedicated to their craft of advocating for justice.
4th District Court 53, Bev Benson, Chris Ritts — We were joined by both candidates for this open seat. They spoke about their backgrounds, cases they have tried and the passion that drew them to run for this seat. Bev Benson lists many supporters that will give credence to her speech: Chris Ritts has an informative website that covers his background.
4th District Court 61, Amy Dawson, Bevery J. Aho — We were joined by Amy Dawson, who spoke about her passion, experience and personal drive to serve the needs of justice last evening. Her list of supporters is as extensive as her passion: Her opponent is a known GOP activist, GOP state delegate who raised funds for George W. Bush. There are numerous writings online from her if you need more information.
Please look into all these candidates, read about them and make your decisions. Then, call them for a lawn sign and share your information with your friends, neighbors and family. Judges decide many issues in our community and we need to do our due diligence to make property decisions to elect those who share our values.
You can check on the licensure and other basic information of lawyers here.
Sample Ballots
We were able to download sample ballots and mark our endorsed candidates on them. If you’d like to take a completed sample ballot with you when you go to the polls, just click the link for the area you live in.
House District 48A Living in Eden Prairie
House District 48A Living in Minnetonka
2014 elections · 2014 sample ballots · Al Franken · congress · Eddie Frizell · Gov. Dayton · HD48A · HD48B · Hennepin County Attorney · Hennepin County Sheriff · House District 48B · House Districti 48A · Joan Howe-Pullis · Lori Swanson · Mark Dayton · Mike Freeman · Minnesota Attorney General · Minnesota Secretary of State · Minnesota State Auditor · Rep. Selcer · Sharon Sund · State Auditor Rebecca Otto · Steve Simon · Tina Smith · U.S. Senate · Yvonne Selcer
What Our Candidates are DoingRep. Yvonne Selcer, HD48AAs Rep Yvonne Selcer and her team move into these final, crucial weeks of the campaign, they’re working to bring the door knocking and phoning to an even higher level to get out the good news of the work that has been done in the last two years. Yvonne stood up for the people of our community and Minnesotans, passing fiscally responsible legislation that paid our schools back, provided all day kindergarten, froze college tuition, promoted small business job creation and streamlined paperwork. Even in the midst of this close race, Rep Selcer is also focused on the duties of her position as your state representative. She’s serving on legislative committees throughout the summer to prepare for the work that needs to continue during the next legislative session. Her record of service and accomplishment, of course, will be distorted by the special interest groups, including the billionaire Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, who are lining up to distort these accomplishments and protect their special interests. Rep. Selcer and her team thank all those who have helped to date with door knocking, phoning, lawn sign distribution, office work and a variety of other important campaign tasks. These last weeks leading up to Nov 4 are crucial to victory. Yvonne asks if you have volunteered, to keep volunteering. If you have not yet had the opportunity to volunteer, please do so in the crucial coming weeks. You can sign up to volunteer at, or just call Maars, her organizer at 612-524-8427, and he will get you involved. “Together, we can win again on Nov 4, and continue the work we have begun to move MN forward,” said Rep Selcer. “Thanks to all of you for the many ways in which you are supporting this effort.” Joan Howe-Pullis, HD48B CandidateAt their Campaign Head-quarters, things are gearing up for the rundown to Election Day. Joan is out at the doors most days. When she’s not, she’s phoning the people of Eden Prairie. If you’d like to help, phone banks and door knocks are being staged out of Eden Prairie. So, no long driving to pick up lit packets or getting to a phone bank and not having material to make calls. Team Joan is also pulling together the details of what’s shaping up to be a great lit drop/door knock next month, so look for more information on it soon. If you have time to help with any aspect of Joan’s race, send her an e-mail at . Laurie McKendry, SD48
If you’re interested in seeing what a full campaign election cycle involves, we’ll be picking up our planning efforts in late November. E-mail to become part of Team McKendry.
Can You Host a Lawn Sign?
If you’re willing to have one in
League of Women Voters Candidate ForumsAgain this year the League of Women Voters is hosting candidate forums for both our State House races and our Eden Prairie municipal races. Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend. Not only will you learn more about the candidates and issue, your attendance helps support our candidates. State House ForumThe State House Candidate Forum will be held Tuesday, September 30, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, MN. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Eden Prairie Municipal ForumThe forum for candidates running for Eden Prairie City Council will be held Thursday, October 2, 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Eden Prairie Community Center, 8080 Mitchell Rd, Eden Prairie, MN. Doors open at 6:30 pm. continued in next column |
There are two seats up for election this year. They are currently held by Kathy Nelson and Sherry Butcher-Wickstrom. Andrew Moller has also filed to run one of these seats. We could find no website for his campaign.
The top two vote getters on Election Day will be on the Eden Prairie City Council. So, if you’re a resident of this city, please attend. Eden Prairie Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens is running unopposed. Our DFL TicketTo see who else is on the ballot, visit this post. We’ve also included information on the Eden Prairie City Council seats up for election this year and information on the judicial races we’ll have on the ballot. Have Holasek Certificates Left Over from Our Grow with Us Plant Sale?2015 UPDATE: Holasek Greenhouses is now out of business. We have no information on how to receive refunds. Please contact the organization you purchased your certificates from for further information. We’ve been informed that Holasek Greenhouses will be going out of business this year. If you didn’t use all your certificates this spring and summer, you have a limited time to receive a full refund. Please e-mail us at . We’ll contact you with the details, but please do it by September 30. Holasek’s will be closing their books for good in October, 2014.
Not Certain if You’re Registered to Vote?This year, you can visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website to:
If you’d prefer to register in person, you can go to the City Clerk’s office at your municipality’s City Center and fill out the form there. When Democrats vote, Democrats win. Get the pieces in place now to make voting simpler November 4.
Your Candidates Need Your Help NowWe’re over half way through September, the Fall routine should be established in your household. Your candidates and their volunteers have been working hard for months. But, there’s so much more to do. (You’d be amazed how BIG a House District is, how many doors there are to visit.) Support Your Candidates By: Door knocking and phone calling are the big needs at this point in campaigns. If you’re comfortable doing that, please volunteer. Our candidates have included contact information in their articles. If you’re not, there are still lots you can do:
You’ll meet a great group of people, and help create change in our district with your time (It’s also a great thing for families to do.) Need to get connected? Email us at . We’ll get you in touch with the right people.
When Dems Vote, Dems WinWhy?We have the numbers to elect the people who are putting all their efforts into running for office if we just bother to vote. No Excuse Absentee VotingThis year, you can go to your municipal community center and cast an early, no excuse absentee ballot from September 19 until the weekend before the election (check out your city’s website for hours on weekends). Just stop into your City Clerk’s office, complete the paperwork and fill out your ballot. What happens when we don’t?Remember 2010? That’s the last non-presidential election. We wound up with a Republican-controlled Legislature. That Legislature shut down our government for the longest time in our state’s history costing us tens of millions of dollars. It also brought us the two constitutional amendments that so divided our city. And, when you vote between September 19 and November 4, help make certain our candidates win by bringing a progressive friend with you to the polls. Remember, when Democrats vote Democrats win. Town Hall Forum with Hennepin County Sherif Candidate Eddie Frizell
– Share how you would like to see the Sheriff’s office engaged with your community – Discuss the duties of the Sheriff’s office – Learn more about the $91.9 million Sheriff’s budget – Hear Eddie’s priorities for the Sheriff’s office. This event is not affiliated with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office in any way. For official business with the Sheriff’s Office, please call 612.348.2347. RSVP at or by e-mail to [email protected].
The Party Party
Check out more info about the event including more photos here. |
2014 League of Women Voter candidate forums · early voting · Eddie Frizell · Grow with Us Plant Sale · HD48A · HD48B · Hennepin County Sheriff · Holasek Greenhouses · House District 48A · House District 48B · how to help campaigns · Joan Howe-Pullis · Laurie McKendry · no excuse absentee voting · Party Party · Rep. Selcer · Senate District 48 · Senate District 48 DFL Party Party · voter registration · Yvonne Selcer