Grow with Us Plant Sale!
Get all of your garden needs and help support DFL48! This year, we’re offering you plant cards at both Gerten’s Greenhouses and Garden Center in Inver Grove Heights and Wagner’s Greenhouse in Minneapolis and Bloomington.
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We’ve done posts on the GOP’s use of language and how you need to check to see what’s really happening (it’s usually the opposite of what they’re saying, by the by).
In their floor speeches, etc. about this program, they’ve been relying on two key talking points (what public speakers call their main points). They’re calling this program “unsustainable” and “duplicative.”
When they call MinnesotaCare “unsustainable”, they’re implying that federal funding will be going away because Minnesota is the only state that has a Basic Healthcare Plan.
What’s the truth?
- Federal funding isn’t going away. As long as Minnesota chooses to maintain it’s Basic Healthcare Plan, the federal government MUST fund it. That’s the law.
- While it’s true that the provider tax helps pay for MinnesotaCare is sunsetting, the Minnesota legislature can solve this funding situation — beginning with the 2017 legislature
Remember, Minnesota taxpayers ARE NOT paying for MinnesotaCare. It’s funded with federal dollars and the provider tax. And, many providers paying this tax (like hospitals) oppose doing away with MinnesotaCare.
When they call MinnesotaCare “duplicative”, they’re implying that there are two programs covering the same patient populations. That’s wasteful and duplicative.
What’s the truth?
- First and foremost, it’s not true. There are NO overlapping programs.
- No one is spending twice on any patient population
- There are 3 programs, each covering a unique and different income group:
- Medicaid/Medical Assistance — serves those at 0 to 133% of the federal poverty line
- MinnesotaCare — serves those at 134 to 200% of the federal poverty line, making $8 to $12 per hour
- No cost increase is trivial for this group, they’re living paycheck to paycheck
- Private plans on the MNsure exchange offering exclusive federal subsidy assistance to offset cost. These are only offered through the MNsure exchange and serve those making 200 to 400% of the federal poverty line.