DFL48 | Restoring Common Sense Minnesota Values



Daily Brief: Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2014

In the Know

Minnesota DFL
Sept. 25, 2014
Events today

  • 12:45 p.m. – Sen. Franken will join U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and other members of the Minnesota Congressional delegation when they announce significant new initiatives to help farmers in Minnesota and across the country. Sen. Franken, Secretary Vilsack and the other participants will discuss details of new safety net programs included in the new bipartisan Farm Bill that was signed into law earlier this year.  With one in five Minnesota jobs connected to agriculture, Sen. Franken took an active role in crafting the five-year measure, which is now being implemented in Minnesota and across the country.
  • Gov. Dayton will provide remarks at the Pheasants Forever Chapter 844 Banquet.

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40 days until the Nov. 4 general election

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2014 election
In money chase, Minnesota Dems keep upper hand, WCCO
As Minnesota state races go, light year for TV ads, WCCO
2014 Campaign Finance Dashboard, MinnPost
Democratic Party out-raising, spending Republicans, Star Tribune
The cash contest: Independent groups already raised $41 million, Star Tribune
DFL has fundraising advantage, for now, MPR
The cash contest: Constitutional candidates running low-dollar campaigns, Star Tribune
Minnesota Democrats have cash advantage, Star Tribune
It’s not the year of the elephant, Politico
The worst campaigns of 2014, Politico

On the recently released Minnesota campaign finance reports, there were two instances of sharing that caught geeks’ eyes. 1) The DFL Party contributed $135,000 to the Louisiana Democratic Party. The explanation: Ken Martin, the DFL Party chair, said that parties routinely swap funds depending on which accounts they need to feed. The Louisiana party needed state funds to spend on state races and the Minnesota party needed federal funds to spending on federal races. So the two traded funds. 2) The House Republican Campaign Committee gave in-kind donations of $76,000 each to the Minnesota Jobs Coalition and the Coalition of MN Businesses — two Republican independent spending groups. The explanation: The HRCC spent $152,000 on polling and shared that polling with the two GOP groups. The in-kind donation reflected the cost of that polling.
City -> State
In another instance of fundraising sharing, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has set up a state-level political action committee. The committee, Capitol Leadership PAC, will allow Coleman to raise funds and distribute them to state candidates. Charlie Nauen, the group’s chair and a DFL attorney, said Coleman is planning to use the money raised to support DFL House candidates in tough races. Star Tribune

Sharp differences in St. Cloud legislative candidates debate, The Uptake
Race for control of state House attracts big money, MPR
Democrats in fight to retain Minnesota House, MPR

Jeff Johnson fundraising picks up, but Mark Dayton has twice as much in bank, Pioneer Press
Invested in higher education; Dayton’s running mate visits with Riverland students, faculty, Pioneer Press
GOP’s Johnson releases first broadcast TV ad in governor’s race, Star Tribune
Johnson releases TV ad, MPR
National conservative group plans anti-Dayton push, MPR
TRUTH TEST: Does Dayton ‘hockey coach’ ad shoot and score? KSTP

U.S. House
Attack ads mock Stewart Mills’ wealth and hair style, Northland News Center
Rick Nolan gets political ‘blessing’ from Nuns on a Bus, Northland News Center
PoliGraph: NRCC distorts Nolan’s terrorism record, MPR
Torrey Westrom does double denial, mn progressive project
Dems probably won’t take the House, so why are they raising so much? NPR
Reality Check: The Stewart Mills attack ads, WCCO
Nolan campaign portrait has gun owners up in arms, Fox 9

U.S. Senate
Getting out the college-age voters, KARE
In Kansas, longtime GOP Sen. Pat Roberts faces doubts as he scrambles to hold seat, Washington Post

US Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to talk up farm risk management at University of Minnesota, Star Tribune
Community Action of Minneapolis
Hayden target of state GOP Senate ethics inquiry, Star Tribune
Tevlin: If only Community Action of Minneapolis had taken some of its own advice, Star Tribune
Sen. Hayden resigns from Community Action board as GOP calls for inquiry, Star Tribune
Senate GOP wants Hayden to face ethics panel, MPR
Republicans file ethics complaint against DFL Sen. Jeff Hayden, Fox 9
Minn. GOP senators probe Democrat’s role at nonprofit, KSTP
Republicans file ethics complaints against Mpls senator, KARE
Education (higher)
House DFL leaders call for extending college tuition freeze, Winona Daily News
Families rethink college borrowing as loans gain ‘bad reputation’, MPR

MNsure isn’t going away, so how do we fix it? MinnPost
Amazon’s Minnesota sales tax plans draw hope, fear from local retailers, Pioneer Press

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©2014 DFL SD 48. Prepared and paid for by Senate District 48 DFL, Sharon Borine, Chair, 18285 Croixwood Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347