DFL48 | Restoring Common Sense Minnesota Values



Wisconsin Worst in Nation on Shrinking Middle Class

5510682a77259.imageMike Ivey, writing for the Capital Times on March 24, 2015, reported on a recent Pew Charitable Trust report.

While the vast majority of us are working harder for less money, it’s worse in some states.

The worst? Our neighbor to the east, Wisconsin. The report showed Wisconsin had “the largest decline in the percentage of families considered “middle class”, or those earning between 67 and 200% of their state’s median income.”

Kevin Kane, with Citizen Action of Wisconsin, said “the Pew report shows the damage to the state’s progressive tradition which had once created the largest middle class in the Midwest.”

Once again, we’re thankful to be living in Minnesota.  And, thankful for Gov. Dayton and DFL legislators who have protected us from the damaging economic policies of Republican legislators like Sen. Hann and Rep. Loon.

You can read the full post, including links to the Pew report and additional statistics here.

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©2014 DFL SD 48. Prepared and paid for by Senate District 48 DFL, Sharon Borine, Chair, 18285 Croixwood Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347