DFL48 | Restoring Common Sense Minnesota Values



Legislators return to the Capitol tomorrow to work toward May 18 adjournment

Minnesota_State_CapitolLeaders of the Minnesota House of Representatives DFL Caucus spent spring recess traveling the state and talking with people about their plans to create more opportunities for Minnesotans. This is in stark contrast to Republicans’ plans to put corporate special interests first and leaves everyone else behind

As legislators return from recess, they kick off the last six weeks of the session. In that time, they must agree on all areas of the state budget to send to Gov. Dayton for his signature into law. For the nuts and bolts of the state budget, go to “A 3 Minute Guide to the Minnesota State Budget,” on the Minnesota Management & Budget website. 

Major differences with DFL and Republican budget plans include:

  • The Republican plan would cut taxes by $2 billion. They have not specified who would get the tax giveaways, but their top priority bill for this session includes hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate and business tax giveaways.
  • Despite a $1.9 billion surplus, the Republican budget calls for less than a 1% increase in education, over $750 million less than Gov. Dayton has proposed.
    • The Republican plan gives away $15 in tax cuts for every $1 they invest in Minnesota’s school kids.
  • The Republican plan shortchanges college students. It would ensure a return of tuition increases, escalating student debt.
  • Greater Minnesota fairs especially poorly. The GOP budget makes a big cut in jobs and economic development. This likely means no investment in broadband infrastructure or other proven job-creation initiatives.
  • And with a $2 billion surplus, the Republican plan would cut more than $1 billion from health care services for Minnesota workers, seniors and our most vulnerable.

These are significant differences. Republican plans to give tax giveaways to corporations and businesses, ignore the call for a major invest in early childhood education and slashing health care services for the elderly and disabled will not create economic growth or build an even Better Minnesota.

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©2014 DFL SD 48. Prepared and paid for by Senate District 48 DFL, Sharon Borine, Chair, 18285 Croixwood Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347