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Daily Brief: Friday, Feb. 13th, 2015
Posted by SD48 DFL Communications Team in Daily Brief, News
In the Know
Minnesota DFL
Feb. 13, 2015
Events today
- 9 a.m. – Lt. Gov. Smith will provide remarks at the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association Winter Rendezvous. AmericInn, Highway 71, International Falls.
- 9:45 a.m. – Legislators and data privacy advocates will introduce a constitutional amendment on data privacy. Sen. Branden Petersen, Sen. Dave Thompson, Sen. Scott Dibble, Sen. Dave Brown, Rep. Peggy Scott, and Rep. John Lesch.
- 10:30 a.m. – Lt. Gov. Smith will visit Voyageurs National Park for a discussion on the importance of tourism to Minnesota communities. Voyageurs National Park, 360 Minnesota 11, International Falls.
- 11 a.m. – MNsure CEO Scott Leitz and MNsure Board Chair Brian Beutner will provide an update on the current open enrollment period and direct consumers who still need help to MNsure assisters.
- 11:40 a.m. – Gov. Dayton will provide remarks at the United Negro College Fund Leaders Luncheon on Education. Medtronic, 710 Medtronic Parkway, Fridley.
- 12:20 p.m. – Lt. Gov. Smith will visit Boise Paper to talk with business leaders about Greater Minnesota economic development. Boise Paper, 400 2nd Street, International Falls.
- 12:45 p.m. – U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will join Perry Aasness, executive director of the Minnesota AgriGrowth Council, and other local business leaders to discuss efforts to expand trade and increase exports as way to create job opportunities in Minnesota. Minnesota Chamber of Commerce-Minnesota AgriGrowth Council, 400 Robert Street N., Conference Room Suite 1500, 15th floor, St. Paul.
- 1:15 p.m. – Lt. Gov. Smith will tour Swanky Sweet Pea Bath Boutique and talk about entrepreneur with the company’s founder. Swanky Sweet Pea, 344 3rd Street, International Falls.
- Lt. Governor Smith will visit the Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Office in International Falls and thank employees for their service.
2014 election
New problems in Ortman’s campaign finance reports, Star Tribune
2015 session
Dayton vs. Bakk: It’s more than a sideshow, Star Tribune
Majority Leader Bakk throws another monkey wrench into the mix, mnpACT!
The GOP-controlled House passed permanent rules Thursday, which led to some interesting fireworks. The DFL minority offered an amendment capping spending, in a bit of reverse psychology. Rep. Ryan Winkler: “Every single one of you repeated over and over again that this body spent too much money. Well now’s your chance.” Majority Leader Joyce Peppin responded with….Dayton cabinet pay raises. The amendment was moved to the Rules Committee where it will die, and the DFL accused the GOP of taking the spending cap out of the hands of the members and hiding behind leadership. Star Tribune
2016 election
Who’s going to win Iowa and N.H.? Introducing The POLITICO Caucus, Politico
Vilsack visits Minnesota to talk about ag exports while Klobuchar seeks to end Cuba embargo, Star Tribune
FFA asks: Who will train the next generation of farmers? Star Tribune
Budget (federal)
How the federal budget is supposed to work and why it rarely does, MinnPost
As Obama prepares a Keystone veto, whether he and GOP can compromise elsewhere is a question, Star Tribune
Frustrated Republicans taste limits of majority control as Homeland Security shutdown looms, Star Tribune
GOP infighting grows over Homeland Security funding, The Hill
Congressional delegation
Congressman John Kline, Chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, led the charge Wednesday against progress for LGBT students by blocking the Student Non Discrimination Act – legislation that would ensure students have access to a safe public education and a secure learning environment free from violence and intimidation.
“Apparently Congressman John Kline would rather let Minnesota students be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation than stand up for Americans’ rights,” said Tyrone Gayle of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “It’s a shame that Congressman Kline and his Republican allies killed anti-discrimination legislation, but with a record of always caving to the extremists of his party, Minnesota families shouldn’t be surprised.”
Klobuchar backs bill to lift Cuba trade embargo, MPR
Rep. Nolan, area officials talk transportation, ECM
Obama signs Walz’s veterans suicide prevention bill, MinnPost
MNvest legislation provides an opportunity for Minnesota consumers, MinnPost
This time, it’s personal: Why Mark Dayton’s ‘unbound’ second-term style is nothing new, MinnPost
Dayton’s Minnesota is an island in a sea of red ink, mnpACT!
Dayton cabinet pay raises
Gov. Dayton: DFL Sen. Bakk ‘stabbed me in the back’ over cabinet pay raises, Star Tribune
Pay raise dispute leads to bitter blowup between Dayton, Bakk, Star Tribune
Dispute over commissioner raises gets personal, Star Tribune
Cabinet pay raises questioned, defended by House committee, Session Weekly
Commissioner pay raise fight leads to Dayton-DFLer blowup, MPR
Mark Dayton rails at fellow Democrats over pay rollbacks, Pioneer Press
DFL Dayton says DLF senate leader untrustworthy and back-stabbing, Pioneer Press
Vote to roll back pay increases kills Gov. Dayton’s trust in DFL leadership, Fox 9
Senate vote on Dayton cabinet pay sparks ‘DFL family feud’, KSTP
Dayton blasts Senate leader for commissioner pay vote, KARE
Democratic National Convention
Democrats settle on Philadelphia as site of 2016 convention, MPR
Education (higher)
U of Minn. students push lawmakers to make college more affordable, KSTP
Regulators back three major Minnesota solar projects, MPR
Minnesota House GOP on spending: Say one thing, do another, House DFL Caucus
More petty politics from MN House GOP, mnpACT!
Minnesota lawmakers want to crack down on insurance scammers, Star Tribune
Lawmakers to introduce bill to curb insurance fraud, WCCO
Political Contribution Check Off
Today in History
Crisis time for Minnesota transportation spending? MPR
Minnesota Uber, Lyft regulation debate could hit Capitol this year, Pioneer Press
Partnership seeks fix to deadly stretch of US 14, Rochester Post Bulletin
Obama signs veterans suicide prevention bill, MPR
President Obama signs veterans suicide prevention bill, KSTP
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