DFL48 | Restoring Common Sense Minnesota Values



Americans Watched Their Incomes Shrink

… Except for the Highest Earners

Bloomberg.com Income InequalityThat’s the title of an April 2, 2015, post on the Bloomberg.com website authored by Nina Glinski.

Ms. Glinski reports that “Americans are earning less than they did in 2013, with one notable exception:  the rich.”

Average incomes have fallen for two consecutive years per the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ figures released earlier this month.

“Only the top 20% of American earners experienced income growth in that time period.”  The annual pre-tax income for people in this group:  $166,048.  Every other income group lost at least 2%. Some lost more.  The lowest quintile lost the most, earning $9,818.

You can read the full post here.




©2014 DFL SD 48. Prepared and paid for by Senate District 48 DFL, Sharon Borine, Chair, 18285 Croixwood Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347