DFL48 | Restoring Common Sense Minnesota Values



DNC Response to GOP 2016er Right to Discriminate Bill

image001“Despite opposition from the business community nationwide and the majority of Americans who believe a business should not be able to refuse services to individuals because they are gay or lesbian, this week both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio doubled down in support of this damaging law that seeks to undo the progress we have made for LGBT equality – and Scott Walker even suggested he was open to passing a similar law in Wisconsin.

This just confirms what we already know about these three Republican presidential hopefuls, and is the most recent reminder that Republicans are focused on one thing – pursuing an out of touch agenda at the expense of everything and everyone else.

And it’s not just Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker zeroing in on an extreme agenda. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have also voiced support for similar policies that could give businesses the right to refuse services to LGBT people.

While Democrats are working to move the country forward and create an inclusive society, Republicans like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are stuck in the past and want to move the country backwards.“ – Holly Shulman, DNC national press secretary

Jeb Bush on Hugh Hewitt this week: “Governor Pence has done the right thing.” Listen here.

Marco Rubio on Fox News: “Should someone who provides a professional service be punished by the law because they refuse to provide that professional service to a ceremony that they believe is in violation of their faith?” Watch here.

WisPolitics: “Gov. Scott Walker today was noncommittal on whether he believes Wisconsin should adopt something similar to Indiana’s ‘religious freedom’ law, saying it’s not something that’s been debated at any length here ‘but we’ll see in the future.’” Read more here.




©2014 DFL SD 48. Prepared and paid for by Senate District 48 DFL, Sharon Borine, Chair, 18285 Croixwood Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347